Obtaining a transformation

With basics about the method out of the way, let's take a look at how we can obtain a feature transformation using the provided algorithms.

$\texttt{OAVI}$ transformation

To obtain a simple transformation, one can proceed to follow the steps presented earlier. As explained, however, we recommend tweaking a couple of parameters to achieve better results. The two main arguments this applies to are $\psi$, the vanishing parameter, under the keyword psi and $\varepsilon$, the accuracy to which the oracle solves the problem, under the keyword epsilon. These are by default psi=0.1 and epsilon=1.0e-7. Let's say we want to use psi=0.005 and epsilon=1.0e-5, then the code should look as follows:

using ApproximateVanishingIdeals

X = your_data_set
transformed_data, sets = fit_oavi(X; psi=0.005, epsilon=1.0e-5)

While epsilon should be adjusted according to the solver used, or personal preference for that matter, the psi keyword has a direct influence on the degree of polynomials constructed. It was shown in Wirth, Kera and Pokutta (2022) that the algorithm terminates after having constructed polynomials of degree

\[D = \lceil -\log(\psi)/\log(4) \rceil,\]

if $\tau \ge (3/2)^D$. The tau parameter by default takes the value of this lower bound, but it is possible to adjust it if one wants to.

Different built-in Oracles

We previously alluded to three different oracles being available in the code, frank_wolfe, blended_conditional_gradient and blended_pairwise_conditional_gradient. The default option is frank_wolfe, which has the keyword arugment oracle="CG". The others can be accessed as follows:

# Standard Frank-Wolfe. Both these formulations are the same.
fit_oavi(X; oracle="CG")   

# Blended conditional gradients
fit_oavi(X; oracle="BCG")

# Blended pairwise conditional gradients
fit_oavi(X; oracle="BPCG")

Custom Oracles

It is also possible to provide your own oracle for solving the convex optimization problem. The code expects your constructor to work with the two variable arguments data and labels, which are the data matrix $A$, containing the evaluations of non-leading terms, and the label vector $b$, containing the evaluations of the current leading term candidate, found in $\|Ax + b\|^2$. Further, you can add your keyword arguments under oracle_kwargs. In the following few pages, we will show you how to construct a custom oracle by showing an example with an oracle from FrankWolfe.jl.


Through the keyword oracle we can also call the $\texttt{ABM}$ algorithm instead. This can be accessed as follows:

# Approximate Buchberger-Möller
fit_oavi(X; oracle="ABM")

$\texttt{VCA}$ transformation

Apart from $\texttt{OAVI}$ with its multiple different possibilities of running, we also provide an implementation of the $\texttt{VCA}$ algorithm introduced in Livni et al. (2013). The algorithm is implemented in fit_vca and a feature transformation based on $\texttt{VCA}$ can be obtained by calling

using ApproximateVanishingIdeals

X = your_data_set
X_transformed_vca, sets_vca = fit_vca(X)

Similar to $\texttt{OAVI}$, the vanishing parameter $\psi$ is adjustable for $\texttt{VCA}$ through the keyword psi. To the best of our knowledge, there is currently no similar guarantee on the degree of constructed polynomials for $\texttt{VCA}$ as there is for $\texttt{OAVI}$, but adjusting psi and comparing results is nonetheless recommended.