How does it work?

FrankWolfe.jl contains generic routines to solve optimization problems of the form

\[\min_{x \in \mathcal{C}} f(x)\]

where $\mathcal{C}$ is a compact convex set and $f$ is a differentiable function. These routines work by solving a sequence of linear subproblems:

\[\min_{x \in \mathcal{C}} \langle d_k, x \rangle \quad \text{where} \quad d_k = \nabla f(x_k)\]

Linear Minimization Oracles

The Linear Minimization Oracle (LMO) is a key component, which is called at each iteration of the FW algorithm. Given a direction $d$, it returns an optimal vertex of the feasible set:

\[v \in \arg \min_{x\in \mathcal{C}} \langle d,x \rangle.\]

Custom LMOs

To be used by the algorithms provided here, an LMO must be a subtype of FrankWolfe.LinearMinimizationOracle and implement the following method:

compute_extreme_point(lmo::LMO, direction; kwargs...) -> v

This method should minimize $v \mapsto \langle d, v \rangle$ over the set $\mathcal{C}$ defined by the LMO. Note that this means the set $\mathcal{C}$ doesn't have to be represented explicitly: all we need is to be able to minimize a linear function over it, even if the minimization procedure is a black box.

Pre-defined LMOs

If you don't want to define your LMO manually, several common implementations are available out-of-the-box:

  • Simplices: unit simplex, probability simplex
  • Balls in various norms
  • Polytopes: K-sparse, Birkhoff

You can use an oracle defined via a Linear Programming solver (e.g. SCIP or HiGHS) with MathOptInferface: see FrankWolfe.MathOptLMO.

Finally, we provide wrappers to combine oracles easily, for example in a product.

See Combettes, Pokutta (2021) for references on most LMOs implemented in the package and their comparison with projection operators.

Optimization algorithms

The package features several variants of Frank-Wolfe that share the same basic API.

Most of the algorithms listed below also have a lazified version: see Braun, Pokutta, Zink (2016).

Standard Frank-Wolfe (FW)

It is implemented in the frank_wolfe function.

See Jaggi (2013) for an overview.

This algorithm works both for convex and non-convex functions (use step size rule FrankWolfe.Nonconvex() in the second case).

Away-step Frank-Wolfe (AFW)

It is implemented in the away_frank_wolfe function.

See Lacoste-Julien, Jaggi (2015) for an overview.

Stochastic Frank-Wolfe (SFW)

It is implemented in the FrankWolfe.stochastic_frank_wolfe function.

Blended Conditional Gradients (BCG)

It is implemented in the blended_conditional_gradient function, with a built-in stability feature that temporarily increases accuracy.

See Braun, Pokutta, Tu, Wright (2018).

Pairwise Frank-Wolfe (PFW)

It is implemented in the pairwise_frank_wolfe function. See Lacoste-Julien, Jaggi (2015) for an overview.

Blended Pairwise Conditional Gradients (BPCG)

It is implemented in the FrankWolfe.blended_pairwise_conditional_gradient function, with a minor modification to improve sparsity.

See Tsuji, Tanaka, Pokutta (2021)


The following table compares the characteristics of the algorithms presented in the package:

AlgorithmProgress/IterationTime/IterationSparsityNumerical StabilityActive SetLazifiable
B(P)CGHighMedium-HighHighMediumYesBy design

While the standard Frank-Wolfe algorithm can only move towards extreme points of the compact convex set $\mathcal{C}$, Away-step Frank-Wolfe can move away from them. The following figure from our paper illustrates this behaviour:

FW vs AFW.

Both algorithms minimize a quadratic function (whose contour lines are depicted) over a simple polytope (the black square). When the minimizer lies on a face, the standard Frank-Wolfe algorithm zig-zags towards the solution, while its Away-step variant converges more quickly.

Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe (BCFW)

It is implemented in the FrankWolfe.block_coordinate_frank_wolfe function.

See Lacoste-Julien, Jaggi, Schmidt, Pletscher (2013) and Beck, Pauwels, Sabach (2015) for more details about different variants of Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe.

Alternating Linear Minimization (ALM)

It is implemented in the FrankWolfe.alternating_linear_minimization function.